How to plot the boundaries of the states on the basemap of the USA

We will plot the boundaries of the states of the USA on a basemap figure

How to set up SSH-Keys for Github

You will learn how to generate and set up an SSH key for github so that you d...

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How to load dynamic libraries in c/c++?

How to load dynamic libraries in c/c++?

3 minute read      UTILITIES     

We will see how to load shared libraries in C/C++. We will write a library to convert km to degrees and vice-versa. Then we create a utility program to conve...

Create beamer slides using python

Create beamer slides using python

1 minute read      UTILITIES     

We will use the Python package to create beamer presentation and append existing figures to each slide

How to deal with irregularly sampled time series data

How to deal with irregularly sampled time series data

5 minute read      TECHNIQUES     

While analyzing time series data, we often come across data that is non-uniformly sampled, i.e., they have non-equidistant time-steps. Infact, most of the re...

How to set up ssh-keys for github

How to set up ssh-keys for github

2 minute read      UTILITIES     

You will learn how to generate and set up an SSH key for github so that you don’t need to always type your username and password when accessing github repo.

How to load dynamic libraries in c/c++?

How to load dynamic libraries in c/c++?

3 minute read      UTILITIES     

We will see how to load shared libraries in C/C++. We will write a library to convert km to degrees and vice-versa. Then we create a utility program to conve...

Create beamer slides using python

Create beamer slides using python

1 minute read      UTILITIES     

We will use the Python package to create beamer presentation and append existing figures to each slide

How to deal with irregularly sampled time series data

How to deal with irregularly sampled time series data

5 minute read      TECHNIQUES     

While analyzing time series data, we often come across data that is non-uniformly sampled, i.e., they have non-equidistant time-steps. Infact, most of the re...